An appeal for the
relaxation of Sections 6.14(5)(a), 102.6(1)(a), 102.7(b) and 102.9(2) of the
Burnaby Zoning Bylaw which, if permitted, would allow for the construction of
a new single family dwelling with two detached garages at 5623 Highfield
Drive. The following variances are requested:
a) A retaining wall
height up to 8.49 feet in the required front yard facing Highfield Drive
where a maximum height of 3.28 feet is permitted;
b) A fence height
of 8.0 feet and a gate height of 6 feet in the required front yard facing
Highfield Drive where a maximum height of 3.28 feet is permitted;
c) A fence height
of 8.0 feet located outside the front yard where a maximum height of 5.91 feet
is permitted;
d) A principal
building height, measured from the rear average elevation, of 30.58 feet,
where a maximum height of 29.5 feet is permitted. The principal building
height, measured from the front average elevation, will be 24.68 feet;
e) A principal
building depth of 69.0 feet where the maximum building depth of 60.0 feet is
permitted, the roof would project a further 5 feet; and,
f) A side yard
setback for an accessory building of 4.0 feet where a minimum flanking street
side yard setback of 11.5 feet is required. Zone R-2