Council Chamber, City Hall
4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC

Purpose: To request a contribution from the Operating Housing Reserve to support the ongoing administration of the Burnaby Rent Bank.

Purpose: To seek Council authority to accept a rezoning application for a site on the south side of Canada Way that would include the transfer of density between that site and a site on the north side of Canada Way which is the subject of a current rezoning application.

Purpose: To provide an update on the results of Phase 1 public consultation for the Edmonds Town Centre, Royal Oak Urban Village, and Cascade Heights Urban Village Community Plans with a focus on incorporation of the Gender Based Analysis Plus (GBA+) Pilot

Staff presentation by Mark Norton, Planner 3, and Andrew Yu, Planner 2

Purpose: To convey the attached “Burnaby 2050 What We Learned Report - Phase 2: Visioning” and to summarize the key findings from the spring/ summer 2023 OCP public engagement campaign.

Staff presentation by Erin Rennie, Planner 3

Purpose: To provide an overview of the OCP policy development work that will take place between Q3 of 2023 and Q2 of 2024 and which will inform the policies proposed for Burnaby 2050.

Staff presentation by Erin Rennie, Planner 3

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