Wednesday, 2015 November 04


An ‘Open’ meeting of the Social Planning Committee was held in the Council Chamber, Burnaby City Hall, 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C. on Wednesday, 2015 November 04 at 6:00 PM.






            PRESENT:                Councillor N. Volkow, Chair

                                                Councillor A. Kang, Vice Chair

                                                Mr. R. Erwin, Citizen Representative

                                                Trustee B. Narang, School Trustee

                                                Mr. S. Nathwani, Citizen Representative           

                                                Mr. W. Tsai, Citizen Representative

                                                Ms. P. Woodruff, Citizen Representative


            ABSENT:                   Councillor J. Wang, Member

                                                Ms. N. Boudreau, Citizen Representative

                                                Ms. L. de los Reyes, Citizen Representative

                                                Mr. F. Huang, Citizen Representative

                                                Ms. M. Santiago, Citizen Representative

                                                Ms. S. Clair, Citizen Representative - Resigned


            STAFF:                      Ms. M. Manifold, Senior Social Planner

                                                Ms. C. Schuk, Social Planner

                                                Mr. C. Collis, Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation

                                                Ms. L. Axford, Administrative Officer


The Chair called the Open meeting to order at 6:03 p.m.







Minutes of the Social Planning Committee

Open meeting held on 2015 September 30



MOVED BY Trustee narang   

SECONDED BY Councillor Kang 


THAT the minutes of the 'Open' meeting of the Social Planning Committee held on 2015 September 30 be adopted.


                                                                                    CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY






MOVED BY Mr. Nathwani 



THAT the delegation be heard.


                                                                                    CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY



Burnaby School District

Re: State of Community Schools in Burnaby, Moving Forward

Speakers: Doreen George, Coordinator of Community  Services, Burnaby School District

Eric Bientjes, Manager - Recreation Services, City of Burnaby



Ms. Doreen George, Coordinator of Community Services, Burnaby School Board and Mr. Erick Bientjes, Manager - Recreation Services, City of Burnaby appeared before the Committee providing information regarding Community Schools and their focus on school success, child and youth development and family support leading to improved student learning, and creating stronger families for a more vibrant healthy community. 


The speaker outlined the six (6) goals of the Community Schools (seven (7) elementary and one (1) secondary) in Burnaby as follows:

1.    To use the school and other neighborhood facilities more effectively for desired community programs.

2.    To strengthen the existing school curriculum through greater involvement and use of available human, physical and financial resources.

3.    To develop a variety of educational, recreational, cultural and social opportunities for children, youth and adults in response to needs defined by the community.

4.    To encourage community residents to become involved in community activities, services and issues.

5.    To strengthen communications within the community.

6.    To facilitate coordination and cooperation among agencies and organizations in the delivery of community services.


The speaker advised over the past two years, the District Community School Advisory Coordinating Committee (DCSACC) and the Community School Management Team (CSMT) have been reviewing the current model and examined its effectiveness to meet the needs of Burnaby’s changing demographics. Data collection was carried out through surveys, focus groups, school based data regarding programming and neighbourhood data to best determine how to meet these changes.





The speaker noted that a Working Committee of 13 members was struck in the fall of 2014 which included:

·         DCSACC

·         City of Burnaby

·         School District including Community School

·         Two non-community school members


This Working Committee examined current Burnaby demographics, current School District information and a variety of different Community School models to reach the following five recommendations and next steps under each category:

1.    Increase competencies of staff and community members through education and development

§  Focus on the Community Schools

§  Upgrading website

§  Updating Burnaby Community School video

§  Professional development sessions for district staff

2.    Enhance the Family of School Model

§  Formalize the Cariboo, Armstrong and Second Street model

§  Look at possibility for creating a second family of schools in the Burnaby Mountain, Cameron and Stoney Creek area.

3.    Enhance youth leadership both in our schools and in the community

§  Increase the opportunities for youth to receive training e.g. High Five

§  Provide opportunities for youth who might not otherwise be given leadership roles

§  Encourage youth to volunteer both in our elementary schools and in the community

4.    Expand Community School goals and elements into other schools

§  Professional development opportunities being planned between SFU Department of Education and Burnaby Schools/teachers

§  Opportunities for current Community Schools to expand beyond their borders

5.    Maximize available resources

§  Creating a more centralized process for vetting out of school time programs

§  City Coordinators and Community School Coordinators attended School District zone meetings

§  Coordinators to support non-Community Schools with the implementation of Out of School Time (OST) programs


Ms. George noted these recommendations were presented and approved by the School District, Parks, Recreation and Culture Commission and City of Burnaby. In addition, results from phase one acknowledges the great work being down by staff, students, parents and various partners to meet the needs of their communities.




Mr. Bientjes conveyed that an overwhelming number of schools are interested in becoming a Community School. With an annual shared budget of $450,000 for Community Schools provided by the City, increased funding is not an option. Although some conventional schools are receiving support from staff, community, parents, PAC and volunteers, they are not considered a Community School. In addition, if afternoon school programming has been acknowledged, Parks and Recreation will conduct a needs assessment to consider development of that service.


In closing, Mr. Bientjes expressed appreciation for all the support and assistance they have received throughout this project.


The Committee noted these initiatives alter the definition of the school model, to that of an amazing vibrant blending of stakeholders fostering a healthier and more vibrant community.


The Chair thanked the delegation for their informative presentation and the work being done to widen the Community School model.







MOVED BY Ms. Woodruff   

SECONDED BY Councillor Kang 




THAT the correspondence be received.


                                                                                    CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


A)      Correspondence from Ms. S. Cohn

          Re: Potential loss of low-cost housing in the Metrotown area


Correspondence was received from Ms. S. Cohn expressing concern for the potential loss of low-cost housing in the Metrotown area and seeking support for maintaining modest apartment buildings already in existence.


A note from the Planning and Building Department was appended to the correspondence advising that in a letter dated 2015 October 14, staff provided the correspondent with information on City plans and programs with regard to affordable housing.  A copy of Burnaby Housing Profile2015 was also provided to Ms. Cohn.













MOVED BY ms. woodruff  

SECONDED BY mr. nathwani 


THAT the report be received.


                                                                                    CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY



Report from the Director Planning & Building

Re: Application to the UBCM - Age-Friendly Grant



The Director Planning and Building submitted a report seeking authorization to submit a funding application to the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) to develop a Dementia-Friendly Community Action Plan.

The Director Planning and Building recommended:


1.       THAT Council authorize staff to submit an application to the Union of BC Municipalities 2016 Age-Friendly Community Planning and Project Grants Program, as outlined in Section 3.0 of this report.


MOVED BY ms. woodruff

SECONDED BY Trustee narang     


THAT the recommendation of the Director Planning and Building be adopted.


                                                                                    CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY






            Councillor Volkow


Councillor Volkow provided information regarding a series of community dialogues on the refugee crisis and its impact on Burnaby. The dialogue series will be held on 2015 November 12, 26 and December 10 from 7-9 p.m. at Maywood Community School to assist service providers and the wider community to welcome and support these individuals. 


Burnaby’s contribution would be pooled with those of the other partners (Burnaby Family Life, Immigrant Services Society of BC, MOSAIC, SFU, Journey Home Community Association, Burnaby School District, Vancity) to meet expenses which includes advertising, refreshments, and speakers’ honorariums. 


As the Lower Mainland prepares for an influx of refugees, these dialogues offer Burnaby citizens the opportunity to understand the current issues and provide a platform to discuss different perspectives.




Arising from discussion, the following motion was introduced:


MOVED BY Mr. Nathwani

SECONDED BY councillor kang    


           1.      THAT Council approve a contribution in the amount of $800 in support of expenses for the public dialogue series on refugees.


                                                                                    CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


** Mr. Nathwani retired from the meeting at 7:07 p.m. and did not return.**


Senior Social Planner


Ms. Manifold provided information with an invitation to Committee members to participate in the Map Stoney Creek Project. The speaker advised that the Burnaby Healthier Community Partnership is a partnership between the City of Burnaby, Fraser Health, School District 41 and the Burnaby Division of Family Practice, in cooperation with area residents.  The accessibility assessment involves having small groups of people walk along various pedestrian routes in the neighbourhood to make note of accessibility and walkability features.  Staff advised that Assessment Day will take place on November 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at Stoney Creek Community School.






            There were no inquiries brought before the Committee at this time.






MOVED BY Councillor kang 

SECONDED BY trustee narang 


THAT this Open Committee meeting do now adjourn.


                                                                                    CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY



The Open meeting adjourned at 7:08 p.m.













Lynne Axford


Councillor Nick Volkow