Tuesday, 2016 June 28


An Open meeting of the Planning and Development Committee was held in the Council Committee Room, Burnaby City Hall, 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C. on Tuesday, 2016 June 28 at 5:00 PM.






PRESENT:    Councillor C. Jordan, Chair

                                    Councillor D. Johnston, Vice Chair

                                    Councillor S. Dhaliwal, Member


           STAFF:           Mr. L. Pelletier, Director Planning and Building

                                    Mr. E. Kozak, Assistant Director, Current Planning

                                    Ms. L. Garnett, Assistant Director, Long Range Planning

                                    Ms. L. Scott, Planner 1

                                    Ms. E. Prior, Administrative Officer



The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.







Minutes of the Planning and Development Committee Open Meeting held on 2016 April 26



MOVED BY Councillor Dhaliwal

SECONDED BY Councillor Johnston


THAT the minutes of the Open meeting of the Planning and Development Committee held on 2016 April 26 be adopted.








MOVED BY councillor dhaliwal 

SECONDED BY councillor johnston 


THAT the delegation be heard.








Vincenzo Raffele

Re:  Subdivision of Property at 3849 Lister Street

Speaker:  Vincenzo Raffele



Mr. Vincenzo Raffele, a Burnaby resident, appeared before the Committee regarding the subdivision of 3849 Lister Street.


Staff advised that his property does not meet the criteria for subdivision.  It was recommended that Mr. Raffele meet with Planning staff to obtain information regarding the consultation process of an area rezoning to R12 or R12S.






MOVED BY councillor dhaliwal 

SECONDED BY councillor johnston


THAT the correspondence be received.






Memorandum from Deputy City Clerk

Re:  Correspondence from A. Liu in Reference to Affordable Housing



A memorandum was received from the City Clerk advising that Council, at the Open Council meeting held on 2016 June 20 under the New Business portion, referred the above noted item of correspondence to the Committee for response.


The correspondence was received from Ms. Annie Liu, a Burnaby student, outlining her concerns and proposed solutions regarding affordable housing in Burnaby.  The writer advised that housing costs are a constant topic of discussion in her home. Ms. Liu, through a school project, learned that a person earning $20.00 per hour would need to save for 100 years to afford an apartment in the Lower Mainland.   


The writer suggested that a tax be instituted on homes purchased for investment purposes and the funds used for community benefits and environmental initiatives. 


In conclusion, the writer requested that government continue to welcome foreign investment but still ensure affordable housing for Canadian citizens.


Arising from discussion, the following motion was introduced:






THAT staff respond to Ms. Liu and forward a copy of her letter to Burnaby’s MPs, MLAs, Minister Rich Coleman, Minister Fassbender and Mr. David Eby, NDP MLA and Official Opposition spokesperson.


                                                                            CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY






MOVED BY councillor dhaliwal 

SECONDED BY councillor johnston


THAT the reports be received.





Report from Director Planning and Building

Re:  Request for Area Rezoning to the R12s District - 4036 to 4098 Kincaid Street (South Side)



The Director Planning and Building submitted a report seeking Council's concurrence to initiate a consultation process to explore the desirability of an area rezoning of the subject properties to the R12S Residential District.

The Director Planning and Building recommended:

1.  THAT Council be requested to authorize initiation of a consultation process to explore the desirability of an R12S area rezoning of 4036 to 4098 Kincaid Street (south side).

2.  THAT a copy of this report be sent to Mr. Nitin and Mrs. Neeta Datar, the petition organizers, at 4080 Kincaid Street, Burnaby, BC, V5G 1V8.


MOVED BY councillor dhaliwal 

SECONDED BY councillor johnston 


THAT the recommendations of the Director Planning and Building be adopted.












Report from Director Planning and Building

Re:  Request for Area Rezoning to the R12 District 7335 to 7359 14th Avenue (North Side)




The Director Planning and Building submitted a report seeking the Committee's concurrence to recommend Council initiate a consultation process to explore the desirability of an area rezoning of the subject properties to the R12 Residential District.

The Director Planning and Building recommended:

1.   THAT the Planning and Development Committee recommend that Council authorize initiation of a consultation process to explore the desirability of an R12 area rezoning of 7335 to 7359 14th Avenue (north side).

2.   THAT a copy of this report be sent to Mr. Gurbir Puri, the petition organizer, at 4683 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, V5H 2B3.


MOVED BY councillor dhaliwal 

SECONDED BY councillor johnston 


THAT the recommendations of the Director Planning and Building be adopted.





Report from Director Planning and Building

Re:  R12S District Area Rezoning Public Consultation Results  - North Side of 5100 Block McKee Street



The Director Planning and Building submitted a report to review the results of the consultation process regarding a request for an area rezoning from the R4 to the R12S District and to recommend that the subject area be advanced through the rezoning process.

The Director Planning and Building recommended:

1.   THAT the Planning and Development Committee recommend that Council authorize a Rezoning Bylaw for the north side of the 5100 block of McKee Street, as referenced in Schedule A (attached), be prepared and advanced to First Reading on 2016 July 11 and to Public Hearing on 2016 July 26 at 7:00 p.m. to rezone the subject properties from the R4 Residential District to the R12S Residential District.

2.  THAT a copy of this report be sent to the property owners and residents in the petition and consultation areas.


MOVED BY councillor dhaliwal 

SECONDED BY councillor johnston 


THAT the recommendations of the Director Planning and Building be adopted.





Report from Director Planning and Building

Re: Request for Area Rezoning to the R12S District - Area Bounded by Bryant Street, St. Charles Place, Hambry Street, and Waltham Avenue



The Director Planning and Building submitted a report seeking the Committee's concurrence to recommend Council initiate a consultation process to explore the desirability of an area rezoning of the subject properties to the R12S Residential District.

The Director Planning and Building recommended:

1.  THAT the Planning and Development Committee recommend that Council authorize initiation of a consultation process to explore the desirability of an R12S area rezoning of the area bounded by Bryant Street, St. Charles Place, Hambry Street, and Waltham Avenue.

2.  THAT a copy of this report be sent to Mr. Jose and Mrs. Rosa Aguiar, the petition organizers, at 6257 Bryant Street, Burnaby, BC, V5H 1X8.


MOVED BY councillor dhaliwal 

SECONDED BY councillor johnston 


THAT the recommendations of the Director Planning and Building be adopted.









Councillor Jordan


Councillor Jordan introduced an item of correspondence received from the City of New Westminster.  The City of New Westminster is seeking municipal support for a UBCM resolution regarding the practice of ‘renovictions’ and requesting that the Provincial Government amend the Residential Tenancy Act to allow renters the right of first refusal to return to their units.


The Committee received the correspondence for information.







Councillor Dhaliwal


Councillor Dhaliwal inquired as to the status of information regarding crawl spaces.


Staff are continuing work regarding this request.






MOVED BY councillor dhaliwal 

SECONDED BY councillor johnston 


THAT this Open Committee meeting do now adjourn.




The Committee meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.













Eva Prior


Councillor Colleen Jordan