An Open meeting of the Financial Management Committee was held in the Council Committee Room, Burnaby City Hall, 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C. on Wednesday, 2016 February 24 at 5:30 p.m.







            PRESENT:    Councillor Dan Johnston, Chair

                        Councillor Colleen Jordan, Vice Chair  

                                    Councillor Paul McDonell, Member


            STAFF:          Mr. Lambert Chu, Deputy City Manager

                                    Mr. Lou Pelletier, Director Planning and Building

                                    Mr. Leon Gous, Director Engineering

                                    Ms. Shari Wallace, Chief Information Office

                                    Mr. Bob Klimek, Deputy Director Finance

                                    Mr. Doug Spindler, Assistant Director – Treasury Services                

                                    Ms. Blanka Zeinabova, Administrative Officer



The Chair called the Open meeting to order at 5:37 p.m.







Minutes of the Open meeting of the Financial

Management Committee held on 2016 January 28



MOVED BY councillor mcdonell

SECONDED BY councillor jordan


THAT the minutes of the Open meeting of the Financial Management Committee held on 2016 January 28 be adopted.


                                                                                             CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY










MOVED BY councillor jordan

SECONDED BY councillor mcdonell


THAT the correspondence be received.


                                                                                             CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


Arising from consideration of the correspondence, the Committee also received an email from Ms. Kathy Mezei regarding Mass Notification System for Emergencies.



Correspondence from Ministry of Community, Sports and Cultural Development

Re: 2016 Property Assessment Changes_______________



Correspondence was received from Minister Peter Fassbender, Ministry of Community, Sports and Cultural Development and Minister Responsible for Translink, in response to the City's letter dated 2015 December 17 regarding concerns about property assessment changes in 2016.

The letter noted that due to provisions in the Community Charter, local governments cannot vary tax rates within a class; however, another option available to local governments is to pass a bylaw averaging the assessed values over three years.  This measure will help address impacts that may arise when properties experience a significant increase above average in assessed value.

The Minister noted that an assessment roll freeze is not being considered at this time. Rather, has directed staff to work closely with Burnaby to review assessment averaging and other options to assist the City in partially offsetting increases in assessed values, to better manage property tax increases.

The Minister further acknowledged concern regarding Home Owner Grants and advised that the 2016 threshold has been increased to $1.2 million, and 91% of homes in the Province fall below this threshold.

Staff advised a review of this matter is underway, and a report will be submitted to the Committee at a future date.



Correspondence from Kathy Mezei

Re: Mass Notification System for Emergencies



Correspondence was received from Ms. Kathy Mezei, on behalf the sub-committee on emergency notification, Chevron’s Community Advisory Panel, seeking an update on the status of the report “Mass Notification System for Emergencies”.

Staff advised the Finance and Civic Development Committee received and adopted the above noted report on 2013 June 27 and forwarded the same to Council on 2013 July 08.  At that meeting, Council referred the report back to the Committee and on the 2013 November 28 the Committee referred the report back to staff for further review.  Staff did a fulsome review and no further actions were taken at that time. 

Further it was noted the Emergency Management BC (EMBC) launched a new, national-emergency alert system – Alert Ready in April 2015.  The target date for the Province to have the system fully operational in BC is the end of March 2016. The program allows government officials in each province and territory to issue emergency alerts through major television and local radio broadcasters. All government-authorized broadcasters must carry Alert Ready warning.

Staff further advised that due to rapid upgrade in technology, the City would need to hire a consulting firm, which is not advisable at this time.  Staff will continue to monitor this matter.

Arising from discussion, the following motion was introduced:

MOVED BY councillor mcdonell

SECONDED BY councillor jordan

that staff respond to Ms. Kathy Mezei.

                                                                                             CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY






MOVED BY councillor jordan

SECONDED BY councillor mcdonell


THAT the reports be received.


                                                                                             CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY



Report from the Chief Information Officer

Re: 2016 Information Technology Capital Program

for Business Applications_____________________



The Chief Information Officer submitted a report seeking project approval and funding bylaw for implementation of the 2016 Business Applications Program.

The Chief Information Officer recommended:


1. THAT Financial Management Committee recommend Council approve the capital expenditure of $1,764,750 for the 2016 enterprise and departmental applications programs, as outlined in this report.

2. THAT Financial Management Committee recommend Council authorize staff to bring down a bylaw in the amount of $1,847,215 (inclusive of GST of $82,465) from Capital Reserves to finance the purchase.


MOVED BY councillor jordan

SECONDED BY councillor mcdonell 


THAT the recommendations of the Chief Information Officer be adopted.


                                                                                             CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY



Report from the Director Finance and the Chief Information Officer

Re: 2016 Treasury Management System Implementation Capital Project Funding Request______________________



The Director Finance and the Chief Information Officer submitted a report seeking funding approval for the 2016 Treasury Management System implementation capital project.

The Director Finance and the Chief Information Officer recommended:

1. THAT Financial Management Committee recommend Council approve the capital expenditures of $897,500 for the replacement of the Treasury Management System capital project, as outlined in this report.

2. THAT Financial Management Committee recommend Council authorize staff to bring down a Capital Reserves Bylaw to appropriate $942,375 including GST in the amount of $44,875 to finance this capital project.


MOVED BY councillor mcdonell

SECONDED BY councillor jordan 


THAT the recommendations of the Director Finance and the Chief Information Officer be adopted.


                                                                                             CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY







Report from the Director Finance

Re: IBM Hardware / Software & Cisco Hardware

Maintenance and Support___________________



The Director Finance submitted a report seeking approval to award a contract to IBM Canada Ltd. for IBM hardware/software maintenance/support and Cisco maintenance/support.

The Director Finance recommended:

1. THAT a contract be awarded to IBM Canada Ltd. for IBM hardware/software maintenance & support and Cisco maintenance & support at an estimated cost of $283,137.35 including GST and PST in the amount of $16,859.53 as outlined in this report for a 21-month period commencing 2016 April 01 to 2017 December 31.


MOVED BY councillor jordan

SECONDED BY councillor mcdonell


THAT the recommendation of the Director Finance be adopted.


                                                                                             CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY






Gilmore Urban Trail Highway 1 Crossing


The Director Planning and Building referred to the report received and adopted by the Committee on 2016 January 28 regarding “Gilmore Urban Trail Highway 1 Crossing”.


Arising from discussion, the following motion was introduced:





THAT the recommendations of the Committee adopted on 2016 January 28 concerning the Gilmore Urban Trail Highway 1 Crossing be rescinded; and that the matter be REFERRED back to staff for further review.


                                                                                             CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY






Summer Clean-Up Program – Councillor Johnston


Councillor Johnston inquired regarding the status of summer clean-up program in 2016.  It was noted that UBCM has a possible cost sharing program for hiring students.


Staff advised that this year mowing and clean-up of vacant lots will began earlier.  The Engineering and Parks departments are working together to determine funding from the stabilization and gaming interest funds, and a report will be submitted to the Committee at a future date.


Staff observed a large increase of bulk items being dumped on the City’s properties (from 3,000 pick-ups in 2013 to 20,000 pick-ups in 2015) and reported this trend will impact 2016.  Staff will continue to monitor this matter.


Demolition Approvals – Standardized Process – Councillor Johnston


Councillor Johnston inquired regarding the possibility of establishing general policy guidelines for demolition approvals.


Staff provided clarification regarding this process, and suggested a review by the Executive Committee of Council.






Public excluded according to Sections 90(k) & 92 of the Community Charter.


MOVED BY councillor Mcdonell



THAT this meeting do now recess.


                                                                                             CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


The meeting recessed at 6:25 p.m.


MOVED BY councillor jordan

SECONDED BY councillor Mcdonell 


THAT this meeting do now reconvene.


                                                                                             CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


The meeting reconvened at 6:26p.m.






MOVED BY councillor jordan

SECONDED BY councillor mcdonell


THAT this Open Committee meeting do now adjourn.


                                                                                             CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY





The Open meeting adjourned at 6:26 p.m.












Blanka Zeinabova


Councillor Dan Johnston