Tuesday, 2015 March 03


An ‘Open’ meeting of the Financial Management Committee was held in the Council Committee Room, Burnaby City Hall, 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C. on Tuesday, 2015 March 03 at 4:00 PM.







            PRESENT:                Councillor D. Johnston, Chair

                                                Councillor C. Jordan, Vice Chair

                                                Councillor P. McDonell, Member


            STAFF:                      Mr. L. Chu, Deputy City Manager

                                                Mr. L. Pelletier, Director Planning and Building

                                                Mr. L. Gous, Director Engineering

                                                Ms. D. Jorgenson, Director Finance

                                                Mr. P. Shek, Chief Building Inspector

                                                Mr. J. Cusano, Deputy Chief Building Inspector

                                                Ms. B. Zeinabova, Administrative Officer


The Chair called the Open meeting to order at 4:59 p.m.









Open meeting of the Financial Management Committee held on 2015 January 29



MOVED BY Councillor C. Jordan:

SECONDED BY Councillor P. McDonell:


THAT the minutes of the 'Open' meeting of the Financial Management Committee held on 2015 January 29 be adopted.













MOVED BY Councillor C. Jordan:

SECONDED BY Councillor P. McDonell:


THAT the correspondence be received.





Memorandum from the Director Finance

Re: Contract Award - Hired Equipment Services

       Additional Information



A memorandum was received from the Director Finance in response to the Committee's request to provide  additional information regarding the vendors selected to provide Hired Equipment Services and the determination of the projected contract value of $9 million.







MOVED BY Councillor P. McDonell:

SECONDED BY Councillor C. Jordan:


THAT the reports be received.





Report from the Director Engineering

Re: Updated Bus Bench Program



The Director Engineering submitted a report providing information about changes to the City's bus bench program.

The Director Engineering recommended:

1. THAT the Financial Management Committee receive this report for information.


MOVED BY Councillor P. McDonell:

SECONDED BY Councillor C. Jordan:


THAT the recommendation of the Director Engineering be adopted.






Report from the Director Engineering

Re: 2015 Capital Improvements Bylaw Funding Request



The Director Engineering submitted a report seeking funding approval for various capital improvements (Culvert Inspection & Rehabilitation; Infrastructure Improvements - cost shared with private development; Byrne Creek Pump Station Backup Power Project; Structures; Riverside Area Improvements - Phase 1, Pump Stations and PRV's Upgrades; and Traffic Management).

The Director Engineering recommended:

1. THAT the Financial Management Committee recommend Council approve the capital expenditure of $7.245 Million for various capital improvements, as outlined in this report.

2. THAT the Financial Management Committee recommend Council to authorize staff to bring down a bylaw in the amount of $6.773 Million (inclusive of GST), and draw from the Waterworks Utility Capital Fund the amount of $209,400 (inclusive of GST) and the Sanitary Sewer Capital Fund the amount of $601,900 (inclusive of GST) to finance the capital programs, as outlined in this report.


MOVED BY Councillor C. Jordan:

SECONDED BY Councillor P. McDonell:


THAT the recommendations of the Director Engineering be adopted.




The Committee requested staff provide a list of intersections scheduled for traffic signal replacement, including the ones with new traffic signals.

Staff undertook to provide the list.




Report from the Director Planning and Building

Re: Renovations to City Hall - North Block



The Director Planning and Building submitted a report seeking funding approval to finance upgrades and renovations to the City Hall - North Block.

The Director Planning and Building recommended:

1. THAT Council be requested to bring down a Capital Reserves Expenditure Bylaw in the amount of $475,000 (inclusive of 5% GST) for proposed upgrades and renovations to City Hall - North Block.


MOVED BY Councillor C. Jordan:

SECONDED BY Councillor P. McDonell:


THAT the recommendation of the Director Planning and Building be adopted.






Report from the Director Finance

Re: Asset Management Program



The Director Finance submitted a report seeking approval to develop a comprehensive Waterworks Infrastructure Asset Management Plan.

The Director Finance recommended:

1. THAT the Financial Management Committee recommend Council authorize staff to develop a comprehensive Waterworks Infrastructure Asset Management Plan and approve funding of $40,000 from the Stabilization Fund.

2. THAT the Financial Management Committee recommend Council authorize staff to apply for an Asset Management Planning Program Grant of up to $10,000 from the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development for the development of a Waterworks Infrastructure Asset Management Plan.


MOVED BY Councillor C. Jordan:

SECONDED BY Councillor P. McDonell:


THAT the recommendations of the Director Finance be adopted.









Councillor Jordan

Councillor Jordan referred to a memorandum from the Director Finance regarding 2014 Gaming Funds, and noted 2014 gaming revenue from the Province totalled $10 million.

Councillor Jordan referred to a memorandum from the Director Finance regarding Cameron Children's Centre Licence Renewal, responding to Council's request for further information regarding City-owned daycare centres. 


The Committee requested that leases be extended to 2018 for all the daycare centres, which will give the City time to analyze the costs, do a feasibility study and investigate ongoing liability issues regarding maintenance costs.

Staff undertook to provide a draft letter to the daycare centres to the Committee prior to mailing it.







There were no inquiries brought before the Committee at this time.







Public excluded in accordance with Sections 90 and 92 of the Community Charter of BC.


MOVED BY Councillor P. McDonell:

SECONDED BY Councillor C. Jordan:


THAT this meeting do now recess.


                                                                                             CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


The Open Committee meeting recessed at 5:31 p.m.


MOVED BY Councillor P. McDonell:

SECONDED BY Councillor C. Jordan:


THAT the Open Committee meeting do now reconvene.




The Open Committee meeting reconvened at 5:37 p.m.




Councillor Johnston


Councillor Johnston requested staff provide a report on the Edmonds site redevelopment (i.e. obstacles, role of BC Housing, how quickly the building can be demolished, etc.).

Staff noted that a report will be submitted to Council in the future.

Councillor Johnston requested staff arrange a tour of the Works Yard for the members of the Financial Management Committee.

Staff undertook to investigate.

Councillor Johnston requested a meeting between the Financial Management Committee and the Directors of Planning and Building, Engineering, Parks and Chair of the Parks Commission to discuss Willingdon trail.

Staff is working on the noted program and a Council workshop will be held in the near future.







MOVED BY Councillor C. Jordan:

SECONDED BY Councillor P. McDonell:


THAT this Open Committee meeting do now adjourn.


                                                                                             CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


The Open meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.














Blanka Zeinabova


Councillor Dan Johnston