Council Chamber, City Hall
4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC

Purpose: To provide recommendations for transitioning to a universal water metering program.

Staff presentation by May Phang, General Manager Engineering, and Richard Rowley, Director Finance Revenue Services

Purpose: To obtain Council approval for a Contract Award (CA) for Group Benefits Provider – Manulife.

Purpose: To obtain Council approval for a Contract Award (CA) for Group Benefits Provider – Pacific Blue Cross.

Purpose: To obtain Council approval for a Contract Award (CA) for Owner’s Representative for Infrastructure Project Delivery.

Purpose: To obtain Council approval for a Contract Award (CA) Supply and Install of Signage, Road Pavement Markings and Related Electrical Services.

Purpose: To obtain Council approval to award a Contract Increase (CI) for the Norland Aggregate Storage Area project.

Purpose: To obtain Council approval to award a Contract Extension (CE) for Repair and Maintenance of Street Lights and Traffic Signal Systems.

Purpose: To obtain Council approval to award a Contract Extension (CE) for Ductile Iron Pipe.

Purpose: To obtain Council approval to award a Contract Extension (CE) for the Implementation Phase of the Municipal Regulatory and Business Rules Digital Compliance Solution.

Purpose: To seek Council approval of the Notice of Motion (NOM) to review adaptive fitness equipment in the City's recreation centres.

Purpose: To seek Council approval for staff to explore the feasibility and advisability of allowing habitat gardens in the City of Burnaby.

Purpose: To propose amendments to the Burnaby Zoning Bylaw to permit short-term rentals in buildings that contain secondary suites and to clarify EV parking requirements.

Purpose: To request a review of the policies and bylaws in place regarding driveway access for R1 lots.

Purpose: To direct staff to investigate the feasibility and advisability of a bylaw to regulate the use of bear spray in Burnaby.

Purpose: To provide an update on the current status of major civic building projects.

Purpose: To provide an update on select Engineering projects.



Purpose: to designate transit-oriented areas

(Item 6.1., Administrative Report, Council May 27, 2024)

Purpose: to regulate unsightly premises

(Item 6.3., Administrative Report, Council November 18, 2024)

Purpose: to amend the Burnaby Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw 2009 (unsightly premises)

(Item 6.3., Administrative Report, Council November 18, 2024)

Purpose: to implement Council-adopted Liquor and Cannabis Licencing Policy

(Item 6.2., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

Purpose: to permit construction of a residential multiple-family development and childcare facility. The proposal includes a six-storey non-market rental building with a childcare facility for up to 37 children fronting Southwynde Avenue

(Item 6.5., Administrative Report, Council June 5, 2023)

Memorandum - General Manager Planning & Development - December 2, 2024

Purpose: to amend Burnaby Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw.

(Item 6.2., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

Purpose: to amend the Burnaby Development Procedures Bylaw.

(Item 6.2., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

Purpose: to implement Council-adopted Liquor and Cannabis Licencing Policy

(Item 6.2., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

ROD #21-01, REZ #20-15

Purpose: to close certain portions of highway – closure of 5912, 5924, 5938, 5946, 5958, 5968, 5978 and 5988 Sunset Street and 5907, 5919, 5931, 5941, 5951, 5969, 5979 and 5989 Kincaid Street and closure of lane abutting the development site (those portions of lane dedicated by Plans 1891 and 1892 in District Lot 80, Group 1, New Westminster District containing 562.8m² and 306.9m²) shown as Parcel “A” and Parcel “B”, respectively, and outlined in bold on Reference Plan EPP141452 prepared by Andrew Rutherford, B.C.L.S.

(Item 6.3., Administrative Report, Council July 22, 2024)

Purpose: to amend Burnaby Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw (water & sewer).

(Items 6.2. and 6.3., Administrative Reports, Council November 4, 2024)

Purpose: to implement the Burnaby Temporary Financing Bylaw 2025.

(Item 7.2., FMC Report, Council November 4, 2024)

Purpose: to permit the construction of a two-storey light industrial building

(Item 6.6., CAO's Report, Council February 28, 2022)

This Bylaw was replaced by Bylaw No. 14695 that received first and second reading on November 18, 2024

Purpose: To provide Council with a certified petition from the Corporate Officer from Neha Unadkat requesting Council update City policies to transition to natural gas heating.


THAT the Council members’ appointments and respective vote allocation for the Metro Vancouver Regional District Board of Directors and Alternates, as outlined in Attachment 1 of this report, be approved;

THAT the Council members’ appointments to the various regional and local organizations, as outlined in Attachment 2 of this report, be approved;

THAT the Council members’ appointments to the various Standing Committees, as outlined in Attachment 3 of this report, be received for information;

THAT the Council members’ and resident representatives’ appointments and reappointments to the various Advisory Bodies, as outlined in Attachment 4 of this report, be approved; and

THAT the recommendation and Attachments 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this report be released to the Open Council meeting on December 2, 2024.


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