Tuesday, 2016 January 26


A Public Hearing (Zoning) was held in the Council Chamber, Burnaby City Hall, 4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, B.C. on Tuesday, 2016 January 26 at 7:00 PM.











His Worship, Mayor D. Corrigan

Councillor P. Calendino

Councillor S. Dhaliwal

Councillor D. Johnston

Councillor C. Jordan

Councillor P. McDonell

Councillor N. Volkow

Councillor J. Wang






Councillor A. Kang






Mr. L. Pelletier, Director Planning and Building

Mr. E. Kozak Assistant Dir. Current Planning

Ms. K. O’Connell, Deputy City Clerk

Ms. E. Prior, Administrative Officer



The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:00 p.m.








AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 37, 2015 – BYLAW NO. 13553




Rez. #14-18                                                 


7007 Jubilee Avenue


From:  R5 Residential District


To:       R5a Residential District


The purpose of the proposed zoning bylaw amendment is to permit the construction of a single-family dwelling with a gross floor area beyond that permitted under the prevailing zoning.


The Advisory Planning Commission advised it supports the rezoning application.


Eight letters were received in opposition to the proposed bylaw amendment.


Ron Van Dorn, 7292 Jubilee Avenue, Burnaby

Gillian Storey, 7325 Waverley Avenue, Burnaby

Thomas Hasek, 4758 Victory Street, Burnaby (2 submissions)

Dale and Patricia Rusnell, 4608 Victory Street, Burnaby

Jonna Morse, 19639 Meadow Gardens Way, Pitt Meadows

Donna Polos, 4652 Victory Street, Burnaby

Bill Malkin, 7269 Gray Avenue, Burnaby


Two petitions, one representing 88 signatories and another with 15 signatories, were submitted in opposition to the proposed bylaw amendment.


Stop Monster Homes Petition (88 signatories)

Petition Against the Rezoning of 7007 Jubilee (15 signatories)



The following speakers appeared before Council and spoke in opposition to the proposed bylaw amendment.  


Thomas Hasek, 4758 Victoria Street, Burnaby, spoke in opposition to the rezoning application. Mr. Hasek expressed concerns regarding the amount of pavement in the back yard, lack of detailed plans available to the public and the large size of the house relative to the size of the lot. 


Ken Mah, 7111 Waverley Avenue, Burnaby, spoke in opposition to the rezoning application. Mr. Mah shared concerns regarding the accuracy of the information provided to the public, the biased tone of provided materials and questioned the qualifications of the City Landscape Technician to assess trees on the property.


Shirley Sinclair, 5430 Portland Street, Burnaby, spoke in opposition to the rezoning application. Ms. Sinclair voiced concerns about the precedent this rezoning would set for the neighbourhood and the negative impacts of a related increase in the neighbourhood population.


Peter Madden, 7007 Willingdon Avenue, Burnaby, spoke in opposition to the rezoning application. Mr. Madden expressed concerns with the large size of the house, increase in traffic, lack of parking and overcrowding due to increased density. Mr. Madden suggested that Council consider laneway houses instead of allowing for larger homes.  


            Bill Malkin, 7269 Gray Ave, Burnaby, spoke in opposition to the rezoning application. Mr. Malkin expressed concerns regarding the size of the house and       its suitability for the neighbourhood.


Heather Duff, 7242 Jubilee Avenue, Burnaby, spoke in opposition to the rezoning application. Ms. Duff shared concerns regarding the loss of trees due to the development of a new home, and requested that Council restrict building plans to


preserve the existing trees on the lot. Ms. Duff also spoke to the size of any replacement trees, stating that small saplings should not be considered a replacement for larger older trees.





THAT this Public Hearing for Rez. #14-18, Bylaw #13553 be terminated.


                                                                                                CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY





            THAT staff report back to Council on the issues raised by the delegations at the   Public Hearing held on 2016 January 26; and


            THAT a copy of the report be sent to the applicant and those who spoke at, or       submitted correspondence to, the Public Hearing for Rezoning Reference #14-         18.  


                                                                                                CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY



AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 38, 2015 – BYLAW NO. 13554




Rez. #15-24                                                 


6755 Canada Way


From:  C4 Service Commercial District


To:       R5 Residential District


The purpose of the proposed zoning is to permit the subdivision of the site into three two-family residential lots.


The Advisory Planning Commission advised it supports the rezoning application.


One letter was received in opposition to the proposed bylaw amendment.

Dara Bring, 7670 Formby Street, Burnaby


A petition letter representing 17 residents was also submitted in opposition to the proposed bylaw amendment.


            Antonio and Shirley Matias, 7671 Formby Street, Burnaby (17 residents)




The following speakers appeared before Council and spoke in support or opposition to the proposed bylaw amendment.  


Tony Matias, 7671 Formby Street, Burnaby, spoke in opposition to the rezoning application. Mr. Matias shared concerns regarding the lack of information provided in the notification, the radius of the notification, the negative impacts of the proposed alleyway, potential conflicts between pedestrians and vehicles due to increased traffic, increase in crime and parking issues.   


Jacqueline Chay, 7644 Ulster Avenue, Burnaby, spoke in opposition to the rezoning application. Ms. Chay shared concerns with parking challenges resulting from a lack of overflow parking.


Jat Aujla, 7661 Formby Street, Burnaby, spoke in support to the rezoning application. However, Mr. Ugula shared concerns regarding the number of units, noting his support for a 4 unit building not 6, highlighting that a 4 unit building would not require an alleyway.


Raghu Bans, 7616 Ulster Street, Burnaby, spoke in opposition to the rezoning application. Mr. Bans voiced concerns with the amount of traffic and the safety risk to seniors in the neighbourhood as the streets become more congested.   


MOVED BY Councillor Johnston

SECONDED BY councillor Volkow 


THAT this Public Hearing for Rez. #15-24, Bylaw #13554 be terminated.


                                                                                                CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY




AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 40, 2015 – BYLAW NO. 13557




Rez. #15-13                                                             


4350 and 4356 Albert Street


From:  RM6 Hastings Village Multiple Family Residential District


To:       CD Comprehensive Development District (based on RM6 Hastings Village Multiple Family Residential District and Hastings Street Area Plan guidelines, and in accordance with the development plan entitled “4350-4356 Albert Street, 4 Unit Residential Development” prepared by Hearth Architectural Inc.)


The purpose of the proposed zoning bylaw amendment is to permit the construction of a four unit multiple-family development with enclosed parking at grade.




            The Advisory Planning Commission advised it supports the rezoning application.


One letter was received in opposition to the proposed bylaw amendment.


David Paunonen, 4360 Albert Street, Burnaby


The following speakers appeared before Council and spoke in support of the proposed bylaw amendment.  


Joe Muego, Principal Architect from Hearth Architectural spoke to the rezoning application and noted that the design of the building, specifically the duplex façade, was intentional to ensure conformity with the neighbourhood. 


MOVED BY Councillor Johnston  

SECONDED BY councillor Volkow 


THAT this Public Hearing for Rez. #15-13, Bylaw #13557 be terminated.


                                                                                                CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY




AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 39, 2015 – BYLAW NO. 13555




TEXT AMENDMENT                                                                      


The purpose of the proposed zoning bylaw text amendment is to permit the limited sale of liquor and other accessory uses at farmers markets.


The Advisory Planning Commission advised it supports the proposed text amendment to the bylaw.


            No letters were received in response to the proposed bylaw text amendment.

            No speakers appeared before Council in support or opposition to the proposed    bylaw text amendment.


MOVED BY councillor Johnston

SECONDED BY councillor volkow


THAT this Public Hearing for Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965 Text Amendment, Bylaw #13555 be terminated.


                                                                                                CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY










AMENDMENT BYLAW NO. 41, 2015 – BYLAW NO. 13558




TEXT AMENDMENT                                                          


The purpose of the proposed zoning bylaw text amendment is to regulate antenna developments in the P2 Administration and Assembly District.


The Advisory Planning Commission advised it supports the proposed text amendment to the bylaw.


            No letters were received in response to the proposed bylaw text amendment.


No speakers appeared before Council in support or opposition to the proposed bylaw text amendment.


MOVED BY councillor Johnston

SECONDED BY councillor Volkow                                             


THAT this Public Hearing for Burnaby Zoning Bylaw 1965 Text Amendment, Bylaw #13558 be terminated.


                                                                                                CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


MOVED BY councillor JOhnston           

SECONDED BY councillor CAlendino 


That this Public Hearing do now adjourn.


                                                                                    CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY


The Public Hearing adjourned at 8:26 p.m.

















Derek Corrigan


Kate O’Connell