Council Chamber, City Hall
4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC

Purpose: To obtain Council approval to award a Contract Extension (CE) to Tyler Technologies Inc., for renewal of software support and maintenance of the EnerGov software suite.

Purpose: To provide an update on the need for a water-based field in Burnaby and seek direction to review the need for a water-based field in Burnaby as part of the analysis required for the upcoming Sport Field Strategy.

Purpose: To inform Council of City retirements from October to December 2024.



Purpose: to amend the definition for "group home' to reflect guidance for the siting, development, and operation of small, regulated care homes accommodating between three to ten residents in a primary dwelling unit, with a maximum of 20 care residents on a single lot

(Item 6.11., Administrative Report, Council December 16, 2024)

REZ #22-09, ROD #24-04

Purpose: to close certain portions of highway – closure of portions of road on Halifax Street, Springer Avenue and Ridgelawn Drive (portions of road dedicated by Plan 33521 in District Lot 125, Group 1, New Westminster District containing 218.70 m² and 1000.90 m²) shown as Parcel “A” and Parcel “B” and outlined in bold on Reference Plan EPP142325 prepared by Sebastiano Loconte, B.C.L.S.

(Item 6.5., Administrative Report, Council October 30, 2023)

REZ #22-08, ROD #24-03

Purpose: to close certain portions of highway – closure of lane 2211 and 2271 Rosser Avenue (portion of lane dedicated by Plan 2855 in District Lot 119, Group 1, New Westminster District containing 302.8m²) as shown outlined in bold on Reference Plan EPP142613 prepared by Haemee Lee, B.C.L.S.

(Item 6.4., Administrative Report, Council October 30, 2023)

Purpose: to authorize the execution of a Housing Agreement for the non-market rental housing development at Kʷasən Village Phase 1, Lot 3

(Item 6.3., Administrative Report, Council September 25, 2023)

Purpose: to authorize the execution of a Housing Agreement for the non-market rental housing development at Kʷasən Village Phase 1, Lot 5

(Item 6.3., Administrative Report, Council September 25, 2023)

Purpose: to authorize the execution of a Housing Agreement for the non-market rental housing development at 5227 Lane Street

(Item 6.7., CAO Report, Council February 28, 2022)

Purpose: to amend the Burnaby Zoning Bylaw to permit short-term rentals in primary dwelling units that contain secondary suites and to clarify EV parking requirements

(Item 7.6., PDC Report, Council December 2, 2024)

No items of correspondence were received for Council's decision. All other items of correspondence were published at the Council Correspondence and Public Notice Submissions package dated January 14, 2025.

Purpose: To direct staff to investigate and report back on potential opportunities, locations, and associated costs for installing a landmark "City of Burnaby" sign, with consideration for its impact on tourism, community identity, and public space enhancement.


THAT Councillor Joe Keithley will be permitted to electronically attend Council and Committee meetings from February 3, 2025 to March 28, 2025, to accommodate for recuperation from surgery; and

THAT the attendance of these meetings shall not be counted as electronic participation in accordance with section 6.5(c) of the Procedure Bylaw.

THAT staff be directed to collaborate with School District 41 to thoroughly investigate and develop a transition plan for the City’s operation of the Michael J. Fox Theatre to sustain community access;

THAT proposed terms, conditions, and financial implications be brought back to Council for further direction; and

THAT the recommendation of the report titled “Michael J. Fox Theatre”, dated December 16, 2024, be released to the Open Council meeting on January 14, 2025.