Council Chamber, City Hall
4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC

Purpose: To provide Council with an update regarding the Mintara Atop Burnaby Mountain Patio expansion project and seek direction on whether to proceed with the project based on current cost estimates.

Purpose: To obtain Council approval to award a Contract Increase (CI) for Hired Equipment Services to NGS Contracting Ltd.

Purpose: To obtain Council approval to award a Contract Extension (CE) for Water Meters on industrial, commercial, and institutional (ICI) properties.

Purpose: To obtain Council approval for a Contract Extension CE - Traffic Services - Reactive and Emergency Work - As and When Requested Services.

Purpose: To seek input and direction on the proposed updates to the Burnaby Procedure Bylaw 2024 (Bylaw No. 14610).

Purpose: To report back on previous feedback and seek final approval for the revised Council Advisory Bodies' Terms of Reference Framework and proposed templates.

Purpose: To provide an update on the activities of the Child Care Resources Group during 2024 and propose a workplan for 2025.

Purpose: To convey the attached “Burnaby 2050 What We Learned Report – Phase 3b: Draft Land Use Framework”, and to summarize the key findings from the Phase 3b OCP draft Land Use Framework Engagement.

Purpose: To convey information regarding the status and achievements of the Speculation and Vacancy Tax and to propose feedback to be provided to the Province.

Purpose: To provide Council with information on construction activity as reflected by the building permits that have been issued for the subject period.



Purpose: to allow for a mixed-use development with multiple family residential units situated above ground-level commercial retail uses and underground parking

(Item 6.9., Administrative Report, Council November 18, 2024)

Purpose: to advance Phase 2 of the Bassano Site Master Plan to construct a single 45-storey tower consisting of 336 market strata residential units above underground parking

(Item 6.10., Administrative Report, Council November 18, 2024)

Purpose: to permit the construction of a development with approximately 441 units of non-market housing with a child care facility

(Item 6.11., Administrative Report, Council November 18, 2024)

Purpose: to advance Phase 2 Tower 6 of the Lougheed Core Area Master Plan (REZ #15-23), which is a mixed-use commercial/residential development comprised of a single 46-storey market strata apartment building and 12-storey market strata midrise apartment, inclusive of a three-storey retail/office commercial podium and public plaza

(Item 6.5., Administrative Report, Council December 16, 2024)

Purpose: to advance Phase 2 Tower 5 of the Lougheed Core Area Master Plan (REZ #15-23), which is a mixed-use commercial/residential development with non-market and market rental residential, and a commercial podium, comprised of a 43-storey apartment building, inclusive of a two-storey commercial retail podium

(Item 6.6., Administrative Report, Council December 16, 2024)

Purpose: to allow for a multiple-family residential development above underground parking within the Gateway Neighbourhood (G3-G6) of the Southgate Master Plan area, of two primary phases. Phase 1 (G5 and G6) will be comprised of a single high-rise strata apartment building with a six-storey podium and street-fronting townhomes along Southgate Boulevard, and a separate wood-framed rental apartment building fronting a future internal road to the north. Phase 2 (G3 and G4) is proposed to replicate the form and tenure of the development proposed in Phase 1. Each phase will have its own shared underground parkade, and outdoor open space amenities between the buildings

(Item 6.7., Administrative Report, Council December 16, 2024)

Purpose: to permit the redevelopment of the Forest Lawn Memorial Park funeral home facilities, to facilitate the proposed redevelopment to rezone a portion of the subject property, discharge Covenant BL418983 (tree preservation) and discharge and replace Covenant BL418981 (no build buffer)

(Item 6.8., Administrative Report, Council December 16, 2024)

Purpose: to establish development plans for Phases 3-7 of the Willingdon Lands Master Plan (kʷasən Village). Phases 3-7 are comprised of fifteen 10-25 storey residential buildings with ground-oriented commercial uses in strategic locations, and various publicly accessible open spaces

(Item 6.9., Administrative Report, Council December 16, 2024)

Purpose: to allow for high-density mixed-use development of the property comprised of 469 residential units including a mix of strata, market rental and non-market rental tenures, and commercial spaces including offices, retail and community-oriented commercial uses. The proposed built form includes a 72-storey tower at the corner of Kingsway and Nelson Street with a podium terracing down from Kingsway to Bennet Street, a publicly accessible elevated plaza and north-south laneway from Kingsway to Bennett Street

(Item 6.1., Administrative Report, Council January 14, 2024)

Purpose: to amend the heritage revitalization agreement for the heritage property known as the Lonsdale Guardhouse Residence located at 6985 Canada Way to accommodate recent updates to the Zoning Bylaw to create the R1 SSMUH District

(Item 7.2., Administrative Report, Council December 2, 2024)

Purpose: to permit the construction of a new rectory and office

(Item 4.9, CAO's Report, Council 2022 July 25)

Purpose: to permit the construction of two mid-rise residential buildings with underground parking

(Item 6.5., Administrative Report, Council October 30, 2023)

Purpose: to permit the construction of a one-storey light industrial building comprised of office, manufacturing and warehouse space

(Item 6.4., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

Purpose: to amend the definition for "group home' to reflect guidance for the siting, development, and operation of small, regulated care homes accommodating between three to ten residents in a primary dwelling unit, with a maximum of 20 care residents on a single lot

(Item 6.11., Administrative Report, Council December 16, 2024)

Purpose: to permit the construction of a mixed-use multiple-family residential development with commercial uses at grade

(Item 6.7., CAO's Report, Council February 28, 2022)

Memorandum - General Manager Planning & Development - January 28, 2025

Purpose: to permit the construction of a five-storey enclosed self-storage facility with two levels of underground parking

(Item 6.4., Administrative Report, Council July 24, 2023)

Memorandum - General Manager Planning & Development - January 28, 2025

Purpose: to authorize the execution of a Housing Agreement for the non-market rental housing development at 5227 Lane Street

(Item 6.7., CAO Report, Council February 28, 2022)

REZ #22-09, ROD #24-04

Purpose: to close certain portions of highway – closure of portions of road on Halifax Street, Springer Avenue and Ridgelawn Drive (portions of road dedicated by Plan 33521 in District Lot 125, Group 1, New Westminster District containing 218.70 m² and 1000.90 m²) shown as Parcel “A” and Parcel “B” and outlined in bold on Reference Plan EPP142325 prepared by Sebastiano Loconte, B.C.L.S.

(Item 6.5., Administrative Report, Council October 30, 2023)

REZ #22-08, ROD #24-03

Purpose: to close certain portions of highway – closure of lane 2211 and 2271 Rosser Avenue (portion of lane dedicated by Plan 2855 in District Lot 119, Group 1, New Westminster District containing 302.8m²) as shown outlined in bold on Reference Plan EPP142613 prepared by Haemee Lee, B.C.L.S.

(Item 6.4., Administrative Report, Council October 30, 2023)

No items of correspondence were received for Council's decision. All other items of correspondence were published at the Council Correspondence and Public Notice Submissions package dated January 28, 2025.

Purpose: To seek Council approval to direct staff to explore the establishment of a bike playground in Burnaby.

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