Council Chamber, City Hall
4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC

Purpose: To provide an update and seek Council's direction on the Draft Urban Forest Strategy.

Staff presentation by Andre Isakov, Director PRC Planning, John Musil, Manager PRC Policy Planning, and Melinda Yong, Parks Planner

Purpose: To seek approval for funding for the creation of an artistic mural on the Willingdon Avenue and Still Creek Drive overpass retaining wall.

Purpose: To seek Council approval to amend the Burnaby Zoning Bylaw to update the definition of group home, in alignment with current legislation.

Purpose: To obtain Council approval to award a Contract (CA) for the supply and delivery of four recycling trucks for the Engineering Department.

Purpose: To obtain Council approval for a Contract Award (CA) with Aon Reed Stenhouse Inc. for the Course of Construction Insurance - Cameron Community Centre & Library Project.

Purpose: To seek Council endorsement for a set of guidelines and procedures for the naming of civic assets, as an interim measure pending the development of a comprehensive Burnaby Naming and Commemoration Policy.

Purpose: To provide Council with information on construction activity as reflected by the building permits that have been issued for the subject periods.

Purpose: To provide a status update (SU) on the work to refresh and update the Community Safety Plan.

Purpose: To provide the Burnaby Fire Department's status update (SU) available to the end of October 2024.



Purpose: to authorize the execution of a Housing Agreement for the non-market rental housing development at 5227 Lane Street

(Item 6.7., CAO Report, Council February 28, 2022)

Purpose: to amend the Burnaby Zoning Bylaw to permit short-term rentals in primary dwelling units that contain secondary suites and to clarify EV parking requirements

(Item 7.6., PDC Report, Council December 2, 2024)

Purpose: to permit the construction of a six-storey mixed-use multiple-family rental development with commercial retail uses at grade, and underground parking

(Item 6.7., Administrative Report, Council June 19, 2023)

Subject to approval of Item 6.10., Administrative Report, Council December 16, 2024

Purpose: to permit construction of a high-density multiple-family residential development with market strata and non-market rental uses over four phases

(Item 6.4., Administrative Report, Council April 24, 2023)

Purpose: to permit the construction of a single high-rise residential building atop a residential and commercial podium with street-fronting commercial space and underground parking

(Item 6.4., Administrative Report, Council October 30, 2023)

Purpose: to permit construction of a three-storey non-market rental development with full underground parking

(Item 6.4., Administrative Report, Council April 29, 2024)

Purpose: to permit the addition of a third storey to an existing building in order to provide six additional non-market rental units

(Item 6.5., Administrative Report, Council April 29, 2024)

Purpose: to permit the construction of a six-storey enclosed self-storage facility

(Item 6.2., Administrative Report, Council June 24, 2024)

Purpose: to permit a non-market housing development with adult day care and a child care facility, and a separate potential non-market housing development primarily for seniors

(Item 6.3., Administrative Report, Council July 22, 2024)

Memorandum - General Manager Planning & Development - December 16, 2024

Purpose: to permit construction of a single 40-storey high-rise strata apartment building with two-storey townhouses at grade, and a six-storey mixed-use rental and commercial retail building fronting Kingsway

(Item 4.9., Manager's Report, Council February 22, 2021 and Item 6.15., Administrative Report, Council August 26, 2024)

Memorandum - General Manager Planning & Development - December 16, 2024

Purpose: to designate transit-oriented areas

(Item 6.1., Administrative Report, Council May 27, 2024)

Purpose: to regulate unsightly premises

(Item 6.3., Administrative Report, Council November 18, 2024)

Purpose: to amend the Burnaby Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw 2009 (unsightly premises)

(Item 6.3., Administrative Report, Council November 18, 2024)

No items of correspondence were received requiring Council direction. All other items of correspondence are published in the Council Correspondence and Public Notice Submissions package dated December 16, 2024.

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