Council Chamber, City Hall
4949 Canada Way, Burnaby, BC

Presenters: Matt Craig, Director of System Planning, and Bita Vorell, Manager of Bus Speed & Reliability

Purpose: To provide information on the Hastings Street Bus Speed and Reliability Improvement project and to seek endorsement for TransLink’s recommendation to improve bus speed and reliability on Hastings Street between Willingdon Avenue and Duthie Avenue.

Purpose: To request Council approval for three new positions at Temporary Cameron Library to accomodate an increase in activity levels.

Purpose: To appoint Councillors as Acting Mayor for the year of 2025.

Purpose: To obtain approval to enter into a five-year agreement with RecycleBC as a Collector for recyclable packaging and paper product materials.

Purpose: To summarize the public consultation process, and to provide Council with recommendations regarding the subject food primary liquor licence.

Purpose: To seek Council authorization to award an Initiative Grant to Down Syndrome Resource Foundation (#24.23.I).

Purpose: To seek Council approval of the proposed updates to the Community Grant Policy.

Purpose: To seek Council authorization to award the 2024 lunch/dinner grants to Burnaby-based seniors' groups.

Purpose: To inform Council of the upcoming Parks, Recreation and Culture Master Plan project.

Purpose: To provide Council with information on construction activity as reflected by the building permits that have been issued for the subject periods.



Purpose: to permit the construction of a one-storey light industrial building comprised of office, manufacturing and warehouse space

(Item 6.4., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

Purpose: to permit the construction of a multiple family infill development comprised of two new six-storey rental buildings adjacent to the two existing multiple family rental towers

(Item 6.5., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

Purpose: to implement Council-adopted Liquor and Cannabis Licencing Policy

(Item 6.2., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

Purpose: to amend Burnaby Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw.

(Item 6.2., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

Purpose: to amend the Burnaby Development Procedures Bylaw.

(Item 6.2., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

Purpose: to implement Council-adopted Liquor and Cannabis Licencing Policy

(Item 6.2., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

ROD #21-01, REZ #20-15

Purpose: to close certain portions of highway – closure of 5912, 5924, 5938, 5946, 5958, 5968, 5978 and 5988 Sunset Street and 5907, 5919, 5931, 5941, 5951, 5969, 5979 and 5989 Kincaid Street and closure of lane abutting the development site (those portions of lane dedicated by Plans 1891 and 1892 in District Lot 80, Group 1, New Westminster District containing 562.8m² and 306.9m²) shown as Parcel “A” and Parcel “B”, respectively, and outlined in bold on Reference Plan EPP141452 prepared by Andrew Rutherford, B.C.L.S.

(Item 6.3., Administrative Report, Council July 22, 2024)

Purpose: to amend Burnaby Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw (water & sewer).

(Items 6.2. and 6.3., Administrative Reports, Council November 4, 2024)

Purpose: to implement the Burnaby Temporary Financing Bylaw 2025.

(Item 7.2., FMC Report, Council November 4, 2024)

Purpose: to permit the construction of mixed-use development above underground parking comprised of two six-storey mixed-use buildings with commercial uses at grade and 85 residential units above (75 strata units and 10 non-market rental units), connected by an exterior amenity area on Level 2

(Item 6.2., Administrative Report, Council October 30, 2023

Purpose: to permit the construction of a high-density mixed-use development above underground parking. The development will be completed in two primary phases. Phase 1 (Kingsway South), fronting Kingsway, will be comprised of two high-rise market rental apartment buildings above ground-level commercial retail units, and also includes the retrofit and retention of the existing office building at 3777 Kingsway, commonly known as ‘The Boot’. Phase 2 (Boundary North), fronting Boundary, will be comprised of three high-rise residential strata buildings, one storey commercial and amenity podium

(Item 6.5., Administrative Report, Council December 11, 2023)

Purpose: to establish development guidelines for the subject site to facilitate development of non-market housing

(Item 6.1., Administrative Report, Council October 30, 2023, and Item 6.2., Administrative Report, Council November 20, 2023)

Purpose: to enter into an Inter-municipal Business Licence Scheme

(Item 6.1., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

Purpose: to enter into an agreement among the City of Burnaby, the City of Delta, the City of New Westminster, the City of Richmond, the City of Surrey, and the City of Vancouver regarding the Inter-municipal Business Licence Scheme

(Item 6.1., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

Purpose: To amend Burnaby Consolidated Fees and Charges Bylaw (Inter-Municipal Business Licence)

(Item 6.1., Administrative Report, Council October 21, 2024)

No items of correspondence were received for Council's decision. All other items of correspondence were published at the Council Correspondence and Public Notice Submissions package dated November 18, 2024.


THAT due to there being no items of business, the Board of Variance Hearing scheduled to be held on Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, be CANCELLED.


THAT due to there being no items of business, the Public Hearing scheduled to be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, be CANCELLED.

No Item Selected